sábado, 27 de abril de 2013

Clever north wind

Turns out I am very lucky.

The more I change place, the more I discover incredible people to learn from and the fastest they become a part of me. Yes, I am a smart ass, I take a piece of them, the one I love the most, and make it mine (just keep this ‘on the DL’!).
“What I really enjoy is not you; it’s something that’s greater than both you and me. It is something that I discovered, a kind of symphony, a kind of orchestra that plays one melody in your presence, but when you depart, the orchestra doesn’t stop.”
Anthony de Mello
Today I would like to have them all together sitting in the same room (or hiking on the same mountain, dancing at the same party...) so they could meet each other, and get to know who I really am. Because they actually made me who I am, piece by piece.

And why not, given the choice, maybe it could be something different to stay in a place for a while, so I can feel like the little pig with the solid house the wolf could not blow away. Now I just have to find the perfect spot and soul mates with the same will. A piece of cake, right?

I will try my best. Hopefully the clever north wind won’t have other plans.

martes, 5 de febrero de 2013

No he querido saber, pero he sabido

Yo tengo la tendencia a querer comprenderlo todo, cuanto se dice y llega a mis oídos, aunque sea a distancia, aunque sea en uno de los innumerables idiomas que desconozco, aunque sea en murmullos indistinguibles o en susurros imperceptibles, aunque sea mejor que no lo comprenda y lo que se diga no esté dicho para que yo lo oiga, o incluso esté dicho justamente para que yo no lo capte. 
Corazón tan blanco
Javier Marías